Himuro becomes angry at Yukimura. Yukimura refuses to feel shame for helping Kanade calm down and berates Himuro for feeling jealous since they aren’t even dating yet. Himuro slaps him and leaves crying. Everyone tries to relax at an aquarium but cannot due to Himuro and Yukimura. Himuro asks if Yukimura knows why she is upset, though Kosuke points out this is a legendary relationship question for which there is no right answer the man can give. Yukimura gives scientific reasons for her anger, including her menstrual cycle, so she hits him again. Himuro admits to Kanade she is ashamed for acting emotionally instead of intellectually, whereas Yukimura is disappointed because the aquarium would have been ideal for a high value kiss. Himuro tells Kanada she was most affected by the statement that she and Yukimura are not dating, so Kanade tells her some jealousy is expected when in love, but rather than talking to Yukimura about it, Himuro adds a Jealousy Frequency variable to their research, but cannot tell Yukimura since they are fighting. She decides to reconcile with him and with Kanade and Arika’s help, decides to buy Yukimura a personalised glasses case and write an apology thesis. She runs to give it to him, but trips and breaks the case, causing her to run away in embarrassment. Yukimura reads the thesis and decides he must reconcile with Himuro.